Thursday, October 9, 2008

Call for Submissions

Romance publisher The Wild Rose Press has put out a call for submissions. They accept all romance genres in any length from 3,000 to 100,000 words. They also publish everything from sweet romances to the hotter than hot romances. They even have a YA line, so if you have a sweet love story between teenagers, you can still submit!

The Wild Rose Press is an e-publisher, but they also do print for full-length novels (40,000 words and up). They're a very author-friendly company, with weekly chats where authors, readers, and prospective authors can chat with editors and sometimes the Editor-in-Chief. Most submissions receive a fairly quick response, though depending on an editor's work load it could take a little longer. If you happen to receive a rejection, it will never be a form letter. They always send out personalized rejections, usually with a few hints on how to improve your story. If the editor feels strongly enough about the story, they may invite you to resubmit after you revise. This is all part of the company policy to grow writers, not just books.

For more information about submitting to The Wild Rose Press, check out their submissions page. Look around while you're there, explore the site to learn more about the company, its authors, and the books. If you visit The Greenhouse, you'll find a wealth of information on writing, both general writing information and romance-specific. These articles have been written by multi-published authors and some of The Wild Rose Press' own editors.

Though a small publisher, The Wild Rose Press is respected among authors and has been recognized by the RWA. Good luck with your submissions!

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