Thursday, September 18, 2008

100th Post!

Post number 100 has arrived at long last! This is a major milestone for me, since this is my first blog. Regular readers will know that I've blogged about a variety of topics from writing and editing to searching for a job and taking care of my niece. It all comes back to writing and the writer's life since writing is my passion and a huge part of my life.

Being able to share what I've learned about writing and editing in the last eight years is an amazing experience. Sharing my struggles on the road to publication so other writers know they're not alone is an honor. Publishing is far from simple and can be a difficult business to break into. But if you're willing to put forth the effort to learn and revise and learn from rejections so you can revise again, you're ahead of the writers who refuse to accept that their manuscripts might need a little more work. Persistence is everything, especially if you combine it with patience. This business is notoriously slow, but as you know from past posts, it's a business I love and hope to stay with for a very long time.

Thanks for joining me on the journey to this 100th post. Here's to another hundred posts and beyond!

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